Midnight thought

November 17, 2017

I always think that sometimes life is sucks
But you know, it happens when you only longing for what you desperately want in life.. and you forget what you already have

I am honestly a pessimist 
I always think that I lack of everything
I always see people are always better than me, they have more than what I have

and I forget, that in fact, I have tons of blessedness that I unconsciously don't realise. 
There are tons of happiness or things that I have and perhaps, some people look at me in jealousy, also longing for what I have. While I also want things that I don't have which other has. 

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence......

Yes it is, it is a human nature. To have that feeling is not wrong at all

The only thing that you have to do, to make you at least less pathetic and sad about your life

........ is to be grateful.

Grateful for everything that you have, and everything that you have achieved. 

Everyone has their own way, their own luck, their own pathways. You have to do your own, and live it.

Never, ever compare your life with others. Because again, you live your own and they live their own

And yes, one more tip to have a peaceful life

be sincere.

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